Saturday 18 April 2020

Are vaccines the only viable answer?

Whatever happened to natural immunity?

With the world’s attention so focussed on creating a Covid-19 vaccine, maybe it’s a good time to consider our own role in our own immunity?

I'll start by saying that I'm not an 'anti-vaxxer' per se. Medical science has in many cases been a real help to humanity and vaccines may be necessary for a small minority of the population; those with heavily compromised immune systems due to existing illness or those undergoing treatments which destroy the immune system such as chemotherapy. However, for the vast majority of us, I don’t believe that a chemical concoction being pumped into our veins is the answer to any of our health issues.

The whole premise of the vaccine industry is that we are victims of circumstance, that we have no power in our own lives to prevent or cure disease. This ties in perfectly with the pharmaceutical companies’ long-standing message that their drugs are the only way to fight ill-health, a message that is being delivered to us daily by the media fear-porn machine.

It concerns me greatly that we are heading down the road of mandatory vaccinations.
It concerns me that if we blindly fall for the fear and believe the victim mentality narrative, that we will find ourselves willingly taking drugs that we may not need. Drugs, that when looked at more closely contain toxic ingredients that are far more harmful to health in the wider population than any virus could be.

The fear we are being fed has already led to us literally begging to be locked in our own homes and is now manifesting in us begging to be kept there until we can be saved by an artificial chemical cure.

What if the answer isn’t to pump us all full of chemicals?
What if we think beyond the big corporation funded mass-media narrative?

It’s important to remember that the news we are being fed by the mainstream media is being delivered in a top-down fashion by the people in power, people who increasingly crave more power, more control, and more money. We only see what they want us to see. 

Many medical experts and scientists have already been silenced for speaking out against the official narrative and their highly educated professional opinions have been branded ‘misinformation’.
There have been many esteemed scientists who have mentioned the use of vitamin C as a preventative intervention against Covid-19 ( and numerous other health issues) and as a viable treatment option but unfortunately, their real-world proof is being ridiculed because it doesn’t lead us down the path of the ‘vaccine is the only answer’ story. 

I mean, how could something derived from nature ever be more beneficial than something manufactured by man for the sake of money, control, and power? (I pray you hear my sarcasm here).
You may consider this ‘conspiracy theory’ territory? I consider it bigger picture thinking.

It’s worth mentioning here that I am skeptical of the whole vaccine movement from a very personal perspective. As an infant, I was rushed to A&E in the middle of the night having suffered convulsions on the day that I was given the measles vaccine. I’m lucky to be here, and while I am here I’m going to critically consider the information that I’m being drip-fed and look more widely at the bigger picture.

Are we going down a road of no return?
A flock of sheep willing to be controlled by a pack of wolves? 

If a vaccine is declared mandatory and people like me refuse to have it, will my human rights be affected? Will my freedom of movement be withdrawn? If I don’t buy into being a victim will I be vilified by my peers?

The truth is that we are not victims in any area of our lives unless we believe that we are.
We have the ability to be masters of our own destiny by virtue of the way we live our lives and the choices that we make.
Choices that we make for ourselves, not those imposed on us by people who consider themselves to be more important than us.

I’ve mentioned several times in previous writings about how fear impacts our immunity, so I won’t delve deeper here but by being made fearful, by being complicit in victim mentality we are compromising our immunity and becoming easily manipulated into the mandatory vaccine outcome that may be unfolding.

I sincerely hope that I’m wrong.
I hope that the people we have chosen to have power and control over us have our best interests at heart; that their over-riding concern is for our health rather than their wealth.
My research in the field of health over the last 20 odd years, unfortunately, suggests that maybe I’m not.

The vaccine focus is taking our health out of our own hands, there is very little mention in the mainstream about how we can improve our own immunity. Do you wonder why that is? 

If like me you want to be the one to choose what you put into your body and you want to trust in nature to provide natural immunity, I would suggest that in conjunction with fear-porn avoidance you consider the following natural immunity boosters:

Real Food.
Fresh Air.
Daily Exercise.
Sufficient Sleep.
High-Frequency Emotional States: (Love, Gratitude, Joy)

Additionally, this supplement protocol suggested by Lynne Mctaggart may be of interest to you:

Vitamin C: 3000 mg daily, in divided dosages
Vitamin D3: 2000 IUs daily (Start with 5000 IU/day for two weeks, then reduce to 2000 IU
Magnesium: 400 mg daily (in citrate, malate, chelate, or chloride form)
Zinc: 20 mg daily
Selenium: 100 mcg (micrograms) daily

I truly believe that before we search outside of ourselves for answers we should be taking a closer look at ourselves and how we can make better choices for our own health. We should be doing all within our power to strengthen our immune systems.

Please think carefully before giving away all your power to make your own choices.

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